When we engage a new customer with the Tesrex Review & Renew service, the most common question asked is how can they save money on Cisco SMARTnet?
Let’s simplify this with an analogy. Imagine buying lunch for your family, it’s easy enough. You know their preferences. Now imagine having to cater lunch for 1000 people with different nutritional needs, dietary restrictions, etc. This is an almost impossible task to achieve alone.
This is the situation businesses find themselves in when it comes to hardware support. As they grow, they acquire more and more hardware across different sites and regions until they can no longer track what and what isn’t supported and if they are paying too much.
This vast expanse leads to a few headaches as you have to contend varying discounts, start dates, end dates, costs, currency, types of coverage and end of life dates. All these factors need to be considered when thinking through budgeting and renewals. We typically see companies spending hundreds of hours per year just dealing with fragmented renewals. A way they could avoid this is by using a good IT Asset Management tool to keep track of everything. For Cisco estates, we always recommend Acela.
Having thousands of stacks of contracts is unmanageable and impractical. But there is a solution!