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Cisco Network Configuration Compliance with Acela

  • 7 November, 2023

Acela, Article, Cisco, Networking

How Acela solves Cisco Network Configuration Compliance

The challenge of best practices when it comes to configuration is knowing and understanding what is and isn’t following the vendor’s design guides. That requires extensive review of the Vendor configuration guides per device and keeping up as the software version changes. Multiply that by the number of devices and configurations you have across the environments and the challenge seems impossible. When it comes to Cisco Network Configuration Compliance, Acela will become your new best friend.

At Acela, we can help. Here’s how: our large Cisco engineering teams, over decades, have completed thousands of network configurations and have pooled all their knowledge into Acela. Out of that comes Acela C3: Cisco Network Configuration Compliance.

How does it work? We use an existing monitoring tool such as Solarwinds, or deploy our own, to pool the running device configurations from all the network devices. From there, our automation compares the running configuration syntax against vendor best practices and starts highlighting areas of risk. This gives your engineering team an easy view and example of how to remediate the issue:

Cncc acela

After you made the change on a device, you’ll want to see if that has fixed it – it’s as easy as clicking the button highlighted in red:

Cisco network configuration compliance acela run test button

For engineers, we can take things even deeper. All those things you wanted to search for, such as a single IP address, a hostname, or any syntax across all your devices? It’s finally possible!

Cisco network configuration compliance acela search example

All the devices with “no platform punt” are separated out immediately!

Want to see the actual configuration line? No problem. Just click on the devices and we’ll take you straight to it. Note how it highlights where it appears on the right:

Cisco network configuration compliance line search acela

As you can see, achieving Cisco Network Configuration Compliance has never been easier. What was a mammoth task has been streamlined dramatically.

Read more about Acela to find out the rest of what this great platform can do here.

Learn more about Acela

Find out how else Acela can help you with Cisco Network Configuration Compliance.
